Narayan 02-Jun-2022

Thank you for being the best partner for 36 years!

We've moved through businesses, houses, and decades together, but one thing has always been constant since Day 1 -- you're my...more


Going to miss eating from your tiffin everyday

You’ve inspired me to always stay passionate. A colleague like you is irreplaceable. Happy retirement, it’s well deserved! Raj...more


The best Diwali party

Raj , you killed it at the party . I can’t even think of how many man hours you put into it . You are the true legend . Thanks to...more


The best diwali party ever

Raj , you excel in everything ( that we know ) You co organising the diwali party was the best thing - a talent we had no idea of...more


Just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you stop taking coffee breaks. Be sure to schedule me in!

Sir , you are simply the best 🏆 No one spins music 🎼 like you do . You are going to be truly missed . All the best sir


Just because you’re retired doesn’t mean you stop taking coffee breaks. Be sure to schedule me in!


Let’s go Back here

Now that you are going to have all the time in the world , let’s go back to Amsterdam . It’s 10 years my friend . 🧳


Happy Retirement Buddy

Finally , you did it . Still can’t believe it .


Congratulations on your Retirement

Congrats, you’re now your own boss! Best wishes , Tom


You’ve inspired me to always stay passionate. A colleague like you is irreplaceable. Happy retirement, it’s well deserved!

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