Past booths and testimonials


Enjoyed getting to know the members

I really enjoyed making the jar and also getting to know the other members better. So odd that we never interacted even though we...more


I can't believe I did somethign this creative!

I'm not a creative person at all; so I can't believe I made this! I am so excited for my new baby and their two older siblings to...more

Gearing up for self love jars!

Helping people reflect on the decade that was, and show themselves some love for the 2020s!


Ahh wish we could spend more time doing this!

This was so much fun to do -- I love craft breaks like these! Just wish I could spend more time here instead of going back to work :(


So excited to finish this jar with my husband!

Made this for our son :)


Last minute Valentine's gifts! :)


Getting set for Valentine's Day

Opening our doors to the city of Philadelphia to make memory jars for Valentine's Day!

Making the perfect gift for my girlfriend

This was such a nice, meaningful gift -- my girlfriend is giong to be so happy!


Ready for those last minute Christmas gifts!

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