Thanks for always showing up ❤️♥️

Lumhaa 09-May-2023

sushi date night


London here we come ✈️🇬🇧

Finally we are going to my favourite place in the whole world. Thank you jaan, best surprise you , love you, love...more

Lumhaa 19-Dec-2022

Our first text we exchanged

Something about how pretty you looked

Priya 11-Mar-2021

This is our marriage mantra 💍

Priya 06-Aug-2020

Best Husband ❤️

With the perfect takeout for my flight, you sure know the way to a woman’s heart ✨

Priya 06-Dec-2021

Diwali decorations in our new home 🏡

In giving birth to our baby , we may find that we give birth to new possibilities within ourselves.” Your favourite quote . In our...more

Priya 12-Oct-2021

Memories of a great night 🍾🍾🍾🍾

The day i got drunk in Paris . After doing shots ( thanks to you ) and totally lost count .I ran down the stairs , caught a cab...more


The first day i cooked

Remember when i cooked for the first time and was literally cooking for 3 whole days . Went to the grocery store 4 times , burnt the...more


With you i want to go to the end of the world 🌏

With you i want to go to the end of the world and then go back again ❤️

Priya 30-Nov-2021

The one time we decided to join a protest 🪧

Thank you so all the numerous coffees that we have had together and all that you have had waiting for me

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