
At peace

I’m just here waiting for my great grandmother to die. At least she is surrounded by all of her family and seems at peace. She...more


Gone too early

My little brother(14) died in a horrible accident a couple days ago and I’m. Not processing it well, if at all. I can’t tell, I...more


A victim of Covid-19

My 87 year old grandfather has died from covid19. In the space of 24 hours after showing symptoms. Yes he had underlying health...more


6 months

It’s been 6 months since my Dad died. And it still hurts like it was yesterday. I miss him so much. He should be here. It isn’t...more


Processing a loss

My ex-sisters-in-law have contacted me to inform me that my ex-husband died suddenly two days ago, and a memorial service is now...more


Losing a hero

This year was rough, and did a lot to me emotionally, mentally, and physically... but I will never forgive this year for taking My...more

Sean 17-Mar-2020

My father's passing

I had lost my dad when i was about 13, i had been depressed since about the 5th grade so losing him at an age where you're...more


Loosing my dad

I never realised how difficult life becomes when you loose you dad . I still keep hearing the echo of the words , “sorry he is no...more


On Loss

I buried my son earlier this year. And that’s not something a mother should ever have to say. For days, I was strong — my...more


Always around the corner, never within reach

Passing by the street where everything happened still hurts. She was not the only one to have breathed her last there — a little...more

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